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Israel & Jordan

Walk with Jesus in the Holy Land
April 23-May 7, 2022
Pastor Mark Peters with
Pastor Bronwyn Spilsbury

Walk with Jesus in the Holy Land Journey

Hosts: Pastor Mark Peters with Pastor Bronwyn Spilsbury

Enter the story of faith, experience the life of pilgrimage. We travel to Israel & Palestine, walking where Jesus did, learning about prophets, priests and kings, and seeing how Jesus was the fulfilment of all promise. Then by faith we enter the further promises that are IN HIM!

Come to ISRAEL & JORDAN, as we explore our spiritual heritage in the light of Scripture and the path of history. Every location will bring to life some lesson we can ponder. Every day will open new windows of understanding. We will be transformed, and we will be stronger for all the years ahead. 

From the waters of the Sea of Galilee to the streets of Jerusalem to the vast plains of Jordan – all of it embodies and embraces Scripture. And WE WILL BE THERE! Sign up before it’s too late! Space limited. First come first served. We can’t wait to greet you, with Jesus, in the Holy Land!

We offer the option to travel to Israel & Jordan (April 23-May 7) or to Israel only (April 23-May 4). 

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Israel & Jordan

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